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7 Tips For Cutting Credit Card Debt Quickly
Credit card debt is always a nagging burden, the long term consequences of which can be quite serious. Thus, it always pays to get rid of this ...
True Cost of Owning a Car in the US
As a car owner, you are perhaps aware that the sticker price of your car doesn’t give out the accurate figure about its ownership cost. Buying a ...
Saving Money on Health and Dental Insurance
There’s a basic problem in choosing a wrong or inappropriate health and/or dental insurance: you may end up paying a hefty premium for both ...
How to Save Money on Auto Insurance
The amount you pay for your auto insurance premium varies by a few hundred dollars. This principally depends on the type of vehicle you own and ...
First Time Home Buyers Guide
It’s your dream come true. A permanent roof over your head, an asset for life and you very, very own – the first house that you buy. A home that ...
Signs That You Are Living Beyond Your Means
With credit card companies literally crying to let you have as many credit cards as you want, buying something on credit anywhere is pretty easy. ...
What is an emergency fund?
An emergency fund is essentially the money that you’ve been setting aside to take care of unexpected expenses arising out of unforeseen events in ...
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