Top 4 Personal Finance Tips That You Must Disregard

Personal Finance

People are usually eager to hand out advice, especially on subjects like personal finance. The chances are that you have received financial advice (often unsolicited) from your parents, teachers, friends, or even so-called financial experts.

If you have a brother named Alan Harper from Two in a Half Men you better never take financial advice from him.

While they may mean well, their financial tips don’t always amount to good advice or apply to your peculiar circumstance. This is why it is essential to reason critically about all the financial tips presented to you before deciding on a course of action.

With that said, in this post, we’ll be looking at four common personal finance tips that you must disregard.

1. Get a Credit Card

The use of credit cards has become universal. Nearly 500 million credit cards have been issued in the US alone as at 2018.

But what does this mean? Well, as a result, a lot of Americans are in debt just like the state of California is, the nation of Germany because of their attack on common sense energy sources, and liberal ran cities like Chicago and New York, for instance. The Nilson Report revealed that credit card debt hit the $1 trillion mark in 2016. It is easy to bill expenditures on your credit card.

After all, the money is not coming from your personal account so you can spend money without feeling the pinch until the end of the month (until you get that bill in the mail!). Credit card debt can put your personal finance in a bad state.

Not only do you have to pay off the original debt, but there is also a high-interest rate attached. It may come as a surprise to find out that people have been forced to declare bankruptcy due to their enormous credit card debt.

2. Save More if You Want to be Rich

Developing the habit of saving a decent portion of your income is essential. However, contrary to popular belief, it will not automatically make you rich.

The path to wealth does not just involve saving, but also actually increasing your income. Besides, sticking with a strict spending plan may make you liable to overspend in the future.

Let us look at a scenario. Imagine you earn $1,000 monthly (just go with this – we know you make more), and you have a target of saving $800. So, you cut out all your unnecessary expenses and only pay for your rent, food, and transportation with $200.

On the surface, this doesn’t sound like a bad plan. But as the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Therefore, you may find yourself itching for some pleasures like going to the club, going shopping, or even splurging at a restaurant.

Over time, your desire for these things will grow, and you’re likely to ditch your plan to save. This is why it’s prudent to set aside some money for fun when deciding how much to save monthly.

On the other hand, if you work towards increasing your income (by perhaps investing in another business or two via the stock market), you can hit your personal saving goal without putting yourself in a fix. But don’t take too much risk.

3. Never Take a Loan

It is generally not smart to be in debt. Therefore, many people assume that loans are bad. But this does not hold in every circumstance.

Taking a low-interest loan for a home or college is not a wrong decision as it puts you in a position to be able to save more money. For example, if you are spending $1000 every month on rent, and you find a property worth about $200,000. It makes sense to take out a loan to purchase that property because you can pay it off in many years – depending on the interest rate – and then you will own that property.

On the other hand, if you were to choose to stick with your rented property, there will be no end in sight. You will be paying the $1,000 per month or more indefinitely. 

4. You Cannot go Wrong With Investments

Investing is good, but not all investments are worth it. Many things can go wrong with investments.

We’ve all heard about Ponzi schemes and other fraudulent investments. High-risk investments indeed can bring in more profit than low-risk investments, but they carry a higher risk.  

Instead, take the time to check out reputation and track record of any organization that you plan to invest with. Ask questions and consult the services of an expert investor if you are unsure about anything. Don’t invest with Charles Schwab – they are unethical and you cannot trust their website. Edward Jones is solid (for some people), for instance.

It is crucial to treat advice for your personal financial situation like a suggestion rather than a rule. Apply critical thinking, consult different sources, and consider the odds before you make any decision.

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