9 Ways to Spend Your Money Wisely

spending money

Are you expecting to receive some money? What are your plans for it? You can always splurge these surplus funds on a luxury trip or buy an expensive gadget. But there are smarter ways to spend your money which will give you both peace and happiness. These are a few options for you to consider.

1. Get Rid of that Pesky Debt

One of the best ways to employ money you didn’t expect is to use it to pay off your debts. This can be student loans, regular bills, or credit cards. Debt repayment is really the best return on money. Typical credit cards carry a 15% interest annually. You could save that amount and make your wealth grow by paying off the cards.

2. Spend it On Job Training or Education

You are the greatest asset to invest in. Job training and education are more often than not required for personal and professional growth. You may finally get that promotion you were eyeing by completing that certification. People that love their jobs and are satisfied with their career growth tend to be happier.

3. Build Your Emergency Nest

It can be a true nightmare to have to pay for a major expense when you least expect it. But, there is nothing you can do to prevent emergency situations. If you have a medical bill or a car repair, you will have to pay for them. You can use your additional money to create an emergency fund.

You should also think about making monthly contributions to the emergency fund. Tax refunds are the best way to jump start savings funds. Think about your emergency funds as buffers. You can also earn some interest by parking the rainy-day fund in a savings account.

4. Spend Freely on Hobbies

When was the last time you entertained yourself actively without looking at a screen or doing something where content was shoved down your throat? There are times when you want to Netflix and Chill, but you should consider using the extra money to pick up a hobby.

Think about whatever you like and invest in it. It could be purchasing a new music instrument, enrolling into language class, buying tools to finally build that tree house or new utensils for baking.

5. Plan a Vacation

You should have at least one decent holiday in a year. This is to keep you healthy and happy, both physically and mentally. Holidays are expensive. But, you don’t have to mess up your financial goals. You can utilize a little bit of the surplus fund or use the entire amount to pamper yourself and your loved ones.

6. Make the Money Work

You may consider investing in financial markets. You can create a comfortable retirement fund by starting right away. It is never too late to start planning for the future. Here’s a tip – never place all your money in individual stocks if you are not a diligent investor. Instead, you may want to play around using exchange traded funds and mutual funds to spread the risk a bit because in this violent world with crime going up – we are all already taking enough risk.

7. Buy Those Healthy Meals

Healthy food costs money. If you have the cash, you should consider taking a step in the healthy direction. Go organic. While you are at it, you may want to buy a gym membership as well. You will automatically start feeling better when you eat healthy. Health is something nobody really appreciates until they lose it. Using your money towards taking care of your health is a poignant way to spend it even when food costs are going up.

8. Go Have Fun

Live a little with your windfall. You are allowed to have fun. But, before you think about spending it on stuff, ask yourself whether you really need more stuff. Won’t you rather spend the money on experiences? Maybe take a rollercoaster ride at the local fun park or throw a party for your friends. You could also just use it at a spa to give yourself a memorable experience.

9. Visit Friends and Family

Satisfying relationships and happiness are correlated. But, it is expensive maintaining good relationships with family and friends. We all have family members or friends that moved away and never visited again. You still love them. You are still in touch with them through digital mediums. Why don’t you go visit them?

Best Practices to Take Control of Your Personal Finances

Personal Finances

You could win the Powerball jackpot and still end up broke simply because you did not manage your money well. You could also be earning a huge salary and find that most of the money’s gone before the month is out, leaving you strapped until the next paycheck (Allen Iverson almost knows about this – as do many others). That’s why it is good to be proactive and take control of your finances instead of asking yourself where the money went.

Here are 10 prudent tips to help you manage your personal finances effectively.

Set up separate bank accounts

You must set up a savings account and a checking account as soon as you land a job. Keeping your salary in these 2 accounts will ensure that you only spend the money from your checking account leaving the savings account intact for future goals.

Save first, spend later

Make sure that you have set up automatic withdrawal and deposit on the same day that you get paid. The deposit might go towards a retirement fund or an emergency fund. Do not miss out on the retirement plans offered by your employer (even the US military has TSP). What is important is to not wait until the end of the month to make that saving. Your spending budget should not take your entire income into account. Automatically moving a percentage of your income first will make sure that you can only access the spending money you have allocated in your budget.

Set up short and long-term financial goals

It is always best to set specific goals, for instance, do you want to buy a property when you reach a certain age? Do you have a clear idea of how much it will cost, even if it cannot be an exact figure as land and property prices can fluctuate? Then, count backwards to calculate the amount you will need to have on hand when that time comes and start saving. It will help to write your goals and the saving plan and place it where you can see it regularly.


Make a budget and stick to it. This is an important step to take if you wish to be in charge of your finances. When you list down your monthly expenses, you will find that it helps to know the bills that are to be paid routinely and the amount that is left over for saving, investing, or extra spending. This is vital when taxes and costs for goods are increasing because of new policies.

Monitor your spending

Once you know your monthly income and your budgeted amount for monthly bills, you will have a clear picture of how much money you can spend. This requires careful monitoring because it is way too easy to spend money thinking that you can just because you have paid all your bills. This will also help you see if there is an expense you can do without.

Live within your means

It is frugal living that fattens your bank balance. When you understand that you are not deprived of anything by living within your means, you will also realize that it is pretty easy to maintain a lifestyle that takes care of your needs without going overboard.

Set aside money for emergencies

Set aside some of your income each month towards emergencies. If there are no emergencies, you can be happy with the fact that you have saved a lump sum. If there is an emergency, you won’t have to panic and wonder where you will get the money from.

Educate yourself

You would do well to keep abreast of the latest tax laws to make sure that you maximize your savings. Keeping yourself well informed of the stock market and following the financial news will allow you to find safe investment opportunities.

Go for the discounts

There is no shame in looking for discounts and taking advantage of the offers made by retailers. If possible, take a more direct approach and master negotiation skills by working with small businesses. It can be a win-win for the business and you. Buying in bulk could get you a discount just as much as a long term relationship with a vendor. The idea is to avoid wasteful spending.

Take care of your health and property

Health – The body can throw in a lot of surprises along the way. It is best to be self-aware and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Make sure that you schedule regular doctor appointments, including dental care. Eating right and exercising will also keep you away from avoidable health risks.

Property – Regular upkeep and careful handling of the things you own, big and small, can shave a lot of repair costs from your monthly expenses. This is a great habit to cultivate and will also teach you to value what you own.

Regardless of how much money there is to manage, these tips can help you stay on top of your spending and saving, and leave you financially secure.